
Cross-group collaboration  |  Concepting  |  Interaction design  |  Prototyping  |  Visual design  |  Icon design  |  Touch integration  |  User Research   |   Platform design   | Visual storytelling


Defining the vision for Windows 8 was challenging because of the fast moving environment we found ourselves in at the time. We were heading in a very different direction when product planning shifted gears and the Windows 8 MoSh (Modern Shell) was born as a new shell built for immersive touch experiences.

Partnering with 2 other designers, we set out to design a new Windows 8 Settings experience to highlight system and user information that is crucial to the user and provides useful at-a-glance information.

Windows 7 view of the Desktop Control Panel

Before the release of Windows 8, this was the primary Settings related management surface in the operating system. Our goal for the System Settings application was to create a new full screen touch-based immersive settings experience where the user can manage their settings without having to leave the Modern Shell.

Windows 7 view of the Desktop Control Panel

Before the release of Windows 8, this was the primary Settings related management surface in the operating system. Our goal for the System Settings application was to create a new full screen touch-based immersive settings experience where the user can manage their settings without having to leave the Modern Shell.

PC Settings Application brainstorming

Important to the framing of a feature is the capturing of ideas and concepts using brainstorms, then evolving into affinity diagraming and the prioritization of results.

Win 8 – emerging system and app patterns

Early planning and vision for Windows 8 included a Modern app and system framework discovery phase, where a set of patterns began to emerge.

PC Settings – early iteration

Early Settings app design included left hand navigation, a horizontal panning experience and settings pages that were designed to be a modular tile like elements.

PC Settings – final iteration (grid view)

As the design began to evolve, vertical scrolling became a more intuitive touch input mode along with a two column layout that aligned with the direction of our partner apps.

Windows 8 PC Settings

Current view of the Windows 8 PC Settings app